Hi, I'm ThadeusB.

I code, I play, I love, I innovate

Balancing Coding with Parenting - Tips for Tech-Savvy Parents


For those of us in tech, integrating our professional life with parenting poses unique challenges and opportunities. One of the most pressing issues is managing our children’s interaction with technology, especially their access to information. How do we trust them while ensuring their safety, without creating a stifling environment? This post explores strategies for achieving this delicate balance.

The Challenge of Digital Parenting

  • Unprecedented Access: Children today have unprecedented access to information, which can be both empowering and risky.
  • Navigating Trust and Safety: Finding the middle ground between trusting our children and ensuring their safety online is a common struggle for parents, particularly those who are well-versed in technology.

Strategies for Managing Technology in the Home

  1. Open Communication:

    • Foster an Open Environment: Encourage open discussions about internet usage, online experiences, and encountered content. Make it clear that it’s safe to talk about anything they find perplexing or troubling.
    • Set Expectations Together: Involve your children in setting guidelines that they understand and agree upon, making them more likely to follow these rules.
  2. Educational Engagement:

    • Promote Educational Content: Introduce your children to websites and apps that offer educational value. This not only enriches their learning but also sets a tone for what constitutes worthwhile content.
    • Tech-Inclusive Learning: Use coding games or DIY tech projects as activities you can share, blending learning with fun.
  3. Use of Parental Controls:

    • Balanced Implementation: While necessary, be transparent about the use of parental controls. Explain why they’re needed and how they protect against certain risks.
    • Choose the Right Tools: Opt for parental control tools that allow customization based on age and maturity, ensuring they are appropriate and not overly restrictive.
  4. Lead by Example:

    • Model Responsible Behavior: Demonstrate responsible use of technology yourself. Show your children how to interact online, treat digital resources with respect, and protect personal information.
    • Share Your Day: Share how you use technology in your job. This not only teaches them about internet safety but also about the professional and positive use of technology.
  5. Scheduled Unplugged Times:

    • Encourage Offline Activities: Regularly scheduled times without screens can help balance online and offline lives. Engage in outdoor activities, read books, or play board games.
    • Family Time: Use this time to bond over non-digital interests, strengthening relationships and communication.

Handling Real-Life Incidents

Recently, I faced a situation that many parents dread in our digital age. My daughter posted a video on TikTok, and without realizing, she included a visible Amazon box with our home address in the background. Instead of reacting with anger, we used this as a teaching moment.

A Teachable Moment on Internet Privacy

  • Mature Conversation: We discussed the video calmly and decided together to take it down to protect our privacy.
  • Educating on Dangers: I explained the reality that not everyone online has good intentions, and some may use personal information harmfully.
  • Relating to Professional Practices: Drawing parallels with my work in healthcare, I shared concepts of Personal Identifiable Information (PII) and Protected Health Information (PHI). We discussed how sensitive information, much like the address on the box, needs careful handling to ensure safety.
  • Practical Application: This led to a practical lesson on checking one's environment before recording a video, ensuring no personal information is accidentally displayed.

Learning from Interactions

  • Monitoring Social Interactions: We also reviewed some concerning interactions on her social media, where unknown adults had sent her messages with hearts. This opened a discussion about the intent behind seemingly innocent interactions and the importance of being cautious with online communication.
  • Guidance on Trust: I taught her that while a message might look harmless, the intentions behind it might not be, and it's crucial to not trust or respond to unsolicited messages.


This incident reinforced the importance of ongoing dialogue about internet safety and personal privacy. It’s crucial for us as parents to stay engaged, offer clear explanations, and set practical examples, so our children can navigate the digital world more safely and wisely.